Wild dog in Kafue National Park, Zambia

Before the Fame: Safari to Zambia’s Hidden Gems

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Customizable Itinerary

This is a sample itinerary to inspire a personalized trip designed with your travel specialist

Countries Visited


Places Visited

Livingstone, Liuwa Plain National Park, Kafue National Park

Suggested Duration

12 Days

Africa still has big-game landscapes that have yet to be documented and discovered. Zambia’s Liuwa Plain and Kafue National Parks have only just opened to tourists, and the experience is remarkable as you can explore a final frontier that was previously inaccessible. The wildlife is outstanding and ranges from famous predators to mass migrations, and wildlife reacts without fear of your presence. This 12-day itinerary is a unique chance to experience these new, almost secret destinations before...

Customizable Itinerary

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Trip Highlights

  • Discover two destinations that have only recently become readily accessible to tourism, where the wildlife reacts inquisitively to your presence
  • Disappear into the far west of Zambia and the remarkable Liuwa Plain National Park, a resplendent grassland filled with undocumented migrations and intense predatory scenes
  • Experience the big-game enormity of Kafue National Park, a thrilling expanse of woodland and swamp that is making for some of Africa’s most intimate encounters
  • Watch huge herds roam across the grasslands with many thousands of wildebeest and tsessebe among those that are tracked by hyenas
  • Find some of Africa’s most unique predator encounters, with all the famous cats overly represented in both parks
  • Enjoy some downtime before and after the safari with a stay in Livingstone, on the banks of the Zambezi River, just upriver from Victoria Falls
  • Fully appreciate the subtleties of the wilderness and uncover the habitats of rare and endangered mammals, along with exotic birds yet to be recorded
  • Spend nine full days on big-game safari, with light aircraft the only means of accessing the two national parks

Starting Price

$13,723 per person (excluding international flights)

Your Zicasso trip is fully customizable, and this sample itinerary is a starting place for your travel plans. Actual costs are dynamic, and your selection of accommodations and activities, your season of travel, and other such variables will bring this budget guideline up or down. Throughout your planning experience with your Zicasso specialist, your itinerary is designed around your budget. You can book your trip when you are satisfied with every detail. Planning your trip with a Zicasso travel specialist is a free service.

What's Included

  • Accommodations
  • In-country transportation
  • Some or all activities and tours
  • Expert trip planning
  • 24x7 support during your trip

Your final trip cost will vary based on your selected accommodations, activities, meals, and other trip elements that you opt to include.

Reviews of Zicasso's Referral Service

4.93 stars based on 272 reviews.

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