Scarlet macaws at Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

Nature & Wildlife Travel Agents & Reviews

Ratings of Zicasso's Service

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Zicasso connects you to top travel agencies specializing in Nature & Wildlife vacations

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Life-Enriching Travel

  1. 1.

    Trips curated by the world’s top destination experts

  2. 2.

    Concierge-level service leading up to and during your trip

  3. 3.

    Unique, exclusive experiences and insider access

Ratings of Zicasso's Service
Travel agent Alfonso in Galapagos

Alfonso's Travel Agency


 Based on 59 reviews

See Alfonso's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador

Verified Review

Donalyn R.
Submitted on 9.22.2024

We had an incredible experience with Zicasso’s trip planners! Our agent curated such a phenomenal trip for us! She was patient with my questions and eased my concerns. She listened to our goals and hopes, and made things just about perfect!! We felt such comfort with our guides and drivers, and the tours and excursions were more wonderful than I ever thought possible! Our travel company helped open our eyes and hearts to the beauty of Ecuador and its people. I highly recommend this agency! They were amazing!!

Rachel's Travel Agency


 Based on 35 reviews

See Rachel's profile


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Costa Rica
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Verified Review

Shabnam K.
Submitted on 9.18.2024

The entire trip was well organized and very well paced. I didn’t know exactly what to do in Belize, but told Zicasso’s trip planner that we wanted to get away for our anniversary, relax, and not feel rushed. She took that and captured the essence of Belize in the time we had.

It felt like our agent only worked with the best possible companies for each service we had on our trip. From transportation to adventure set-ups, every company we encountered in Belize was reliable, made confirmations the night before, and on time.

Our agent was also quick to respond to emails, very helpful, and honest about what she felt would be a good versus overrated/underwhelming adventure. And she was quick to problem solve, even while we were in Belize. For example, our cabana was unbearably hot, miserable to sleep in, and we dreaded having to spend any more time in the room than necessary. I sent her an email about the room on the first night before finally falling asleep. By morning, she had already contacted management and had our rooms changed. Done, like magic! No hiccups, no guilt trips; they apologized and made sure the room was acceptable before resettling us.

I know we will go back to Belize and I know we will ask our agent to help us find the hidden gems while we are there.

Thank you!!

Travel agent Paul in Peru

Paul's Travel Agency


 Based on 392 reviews

See Paul's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Charmaine S.
Submitted on 8.15.2024

Our trip to Peru was absolutely magical! Zicasso’s travel company planned a top-notch trip with wonderful accommodations, extraordinary experiences, and delicious food. Our guides were exceptional; very knowledgeable and warm, just like all the Peruvian people we encountered.

We stayed in five-star hotels that were comfortable and full of character. All-around first-class accommodations all the way! Our domestic flights were great and the drivers and guides tasked with making sure we arrived at our destinations safely were wonderful.

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Karem's Travel Agency

See Karem's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador

Agency Description

We have specialized in creating great memories in Ecuador since 2010. We are a team fascinated by creating cultural, adventure, and gastronomic tours in Ecuador. We meet your every want and desire, whether you want to visit the verdant world of the Amazon rainforest, enjoy fascinating cultural tours, trek in the Andes, relax at the beach or travel through the enchanted Galapagos Islands. We will help you fulfill your dreams, leave everyday life behind, and provide exceptional service for your tailor-made adventure here on the equator.
Travel Agent Catalina in Costa Rica

Catalina's Travel Agency


 Based on 77 reviews

See Catalina's profile


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Costa Rica
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Verified Review

Brenda L.
Submitted on 8.3.2024

My husband and I planned this trip to Costa Rica as a gift for my grandson, age 13, and granddaughter, age 10. Most impressive was the Zicasso travel agent's choice of hotels.

In Arenal, we had a very spacious two-bedroom, two-bath unit. The master suite included an enormous spa which entertained the kids when a thunderstorm prevented them from enjoying the pool. This was a very safe, family-friendly resort overlooking the volcano. There were several hot springs and a swimming pool that we took advantage of. Breakfast was good and offered plenty of variety.

The hotel in Manuel Antonio was conveniently located within walking distance of an array of good restaurants. The unit was a modern three-bedroom, two-bath unit and the elevator took you directly to your unit.

In addition to the fabulous accommodations, every activity we booked went as planned and everyone showed up on time.

Travel Agent Kate in New Zealand

Kate's Travel Agency


 Based on 97 reviews

See Kate's profile


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Clipperton Island
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Cook Islands
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New Zealand
2  More

Verified Review

Amita Q.
Submitted on 4.26.2024

Here is my feedback so you can use it to improve your trips.


The New Zealand nocturnal glowworm trip was the best of the trip, followed by the Te Puia experience.

Our Zicasso tour agent was awesome in helping us when we were stuck in Australia and NZ.

The limousine and related services were good.


The local provider did not have a WhatsApp number, so it was very difficult to contact them with an international phone as you cannot make phone calls.

The hotel in Port Douglas did not have a phone we could use to make local calls to the provider.

The provider listed their email address on flight and hotel reservations, so when my flight to Queenstown from Rotorua was canceled, I did not get an alert.

The transit from Sydney international to domestic took more than two hours, so I would have missed my connection had I not changed it to a later flight.

The trips in Port Douglas, especially Daintree and the Great Barrier Reef, were not up to expectations regarding what we thought we were going to see.

The overall costs of the trip for land and flights after getting all the hotel receipts in Australian dollars were too much. I understand you have to get paid for your service, but your margins are too high considering you charged us in US dollars and there is a difference between US and Australian dollars. I could have done the whole trip, with my rides to and from airports, all meals, etc, for less than 8K USD.

Sasha's Travel Agency


 Based on 2 reviews

See Sasha's profile


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South Africa
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Verified Review

Garrett B.
Submitted on 7.11.2023

This travel company provided multiple options for our trip. Once we decided on a more specific location, Sasha did an amazing job of putting together an itinerary based on exactly what we wanted.

Travel agent Daniela in South Africa

Daniella's Travel Agency


 Based on 61 reviews

See Daniella's profile


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South Africa
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Verified Review

Dianne C.
Submitted on 10.9.2023

Our trip to Southern Africa (Botswana and Zimbabwe) was nothing short of amazing! Our travel consultant created a great itinerary and took care of every detail associated with small-craft flights, greetings at airports, etc. The coordination was seamless!

We highly recommend staying at the camps within the reserves as this provides a different experience to the national parks. We felt like we were the only ones there. We were deeply touched by the love and warmth of the resort staff, who go out of their way to welcome you and assist with any needs you may have. Our guide was brilliant, his knowledge, experience, and patience incredible!

This was our second trip through Zicasso and we highly recommend the company for its interest in helping to make our trip a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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