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Machu Picchu Travel Agents & Reviews

Ratings of Zicasso's Service

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each Machu Picchu travel agent has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Zicasso connects you to top travel agencies specializing in Machu Picchu

At Zicasso, we excel at helping you get your vacation planned. Not just any vacation, but an exceptional one filled with inspiring and life-enriching experiences.

Our approach is different. We don’t plan your vacation ourselves. We’re experts at finding and matching travelers to travel specialists from the top 10% of the industry.

Each Machu Picchu travel agent has been meticulously screened and has the expertise and local connections to handle every element of your vacation.

Life-Enriching Travel

  1. 1.

    Trips curated by the world’s top destination experts

  2. 2.

    Concierge-level service leading up to and during your trip

  3. 3.

    Unique, exclusive experiences and insider access

Ratings of Zicasso's Service

Juan's Travel Agency


 Based on 57 reviews

See Juan's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Jeff J.
Submitted on 12.21.2023

We were extremely pleased with the service provided by our travel agency, which made our first trip to Ecuador smooth, easy, and memorable. We could not have asked more of our guide, who introduced us to the culture, history, food, and architecture of Quito. Her knowledge of the area was encyclopedic.

Our guide in the Amazon Rainforest was a superb naturalist who shared his knowledge freely, leading us to an eye-opening experience in the jungle. The cruise aboard the Galapagos Legend was first-class in every way.

Zicasso’s tour operator also saw to it that we made our transportation connections, which certainly relieved the stress associated with that aspect of traveling in a new country.

The itinerary put together by our travel agent ran the gamut of Ecuador, from the Amazon Rainforest to historic Quito, the Ecuador highlands, and the Galapagos Islands. We could not have been more pleased with the trip, which leaves us with memories for years to come.

Travel agent Veronica in Peru

Veronica's Travel Agency


 Based on 288 reviews

See Veronica's profile


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Verified Review

Richard A.
Submitted on 9.3.2023

Our experiences on this trip were 100% enjoyable and our travel agency was superb.

Travel agent Paul in Peru

Paul's Travel Agency


 Based on 392 reviews

See Paul's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Charmaine S.
Submitted on 8.15.2024

Our trip to Peru was absolutely magical! Zicasso’s travel company planned a top-notch trip with wonderful accommodations, extraordinary experiences, and delicious food. Our guides were exceptional; very knowledgeable and warm, just like all the Peruvian people we encountered.

We stayed in five-star hotels that were comfortable and full of character. All-around first-class accommodations all the way! Our domestic flights were great and the drivers and guides tasked with making sure we arrived at our destinations safely were wonderful.

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Joy's Travel Agency


 Based on 20 reviews

See Joy's profile


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Galapagos / Ecuador
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Verified Review

Rebecca L.
Submitted on 9.10.2024

This is an excellent Zicasso company whose employees go above and beyond to make sure travelers have the best travel experience. This starts with very good advice on how to structure a proposed trip and make the appropriate selections from various options. For example, what to do in Quito for a day and where to stay to make sure all connections are met. It also means we were always met at our destination, picked up, and taken to the hotel or next stop. The local guides were extraordinarily knowledgeable and helpful.

It extends to helping out when things go wrong. For example, when return flights are canceled and the airline cannot re-book the travelers for four days. In our case, traveling as grandparents with our children and grandchildren, it was understandably difficult to re-book in mid-August. However, our Zicasso travel company, their agent, and others jumped in on a Sunday afternoon in August to get us booked on a new flight out of Florida to a city in the northeast, arranged for our transport to Fort Lauderdale from Miami, arranged for our hotel in Fort Lauderdale close to the airport, and ultimately got us north when multiple options were shut down up and down the east coast. Further, when our luggage was delayed for over two weeks as a result of the cancellation, our agent and her colleague spent hours trying to track down the luggage and get it returned.

As a result, the trip, while not free from difficulty and delay, was, overall, a wonderful experience in which the joy far exceeded the mishaps.

Travel agent Victoria in Peru

Victoria's Travel Agency


 Based on 125 reviews

See Victoria's profile


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Verified Review

Evelyn M.
Submitted on 9.16.2024

Working with Zicasso’s tour company was a superb experience! First, our agent did a stellar job of interrogating our wants and needs for the trip and then set up marvelous drivers, guides, flights, and accommodations! I can't say enough about this wonderful organization. Even when we had a health issue and my husband couldn't join me, our agent immediately accommodated the change in plans. The excellent in-country know-how of the travel team made for a most wonderful visit to Peru. Priceless! My travel companions and I couldn't be happier that we chose Crossing Andes for our adventure. We do think of them now as our Peruvian family if we ever want/need to return and we'll be telling others about them.

Travel agent Heather in Peru

Heather's Travel Agency


 Based on 14 reviews

See Heather's profile


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Verified Review

Beatrix H.
Submitted on 8.18.2019

Overall, I was satisfied with the services of this travel team. The availability before and during the trip was excellent. The proposed accommodations and itinerary were good. The local operators were efficient and ensured seamless organization.